Advance care planning

An intuitive solution to create and share goals of care document

The solution facilitates advance care planning. The solution is available securely within your electronic health record. You can easily access code status, advance directives, POLST forms, and goals of care for patients.

Advance care planning solution

Clinical platform

  • Easily capture advance care planning conversations
  • Store, manage, and share documents
  • Seamless electronic health record integration

Patient platform

  • Secure access to a web portal via text or email invitation
  • User-friendly and intuitive format
  • Easily upload and share documents with designated individuals or institutions

How we facilitate advance care planning

Identify Health system or payer provides referrals or we conduct outreach campaigns using program eligibility criteria.

Educate We provide introductory information (co-branded or white-labeled) to prospective patients about our service and enrolls those willing and able to participate.

Schedule We schedule an initial patient visit with our trained facilitator.

Facilitation The patient discusses their goals, preferences, values with respect to their healthcare with our facilitator and loved ones.

Document With the assistance of our facilitator, the patient completes one or more relevant advance care planning documents.

Share Patients can make their documents available to their healthcare team, family, caregivers, or others, as they wish.

“I did not think I could afford to complete an AD, I am so thankful my insurance provides this as a benefit."



“This should be offered to everyone, it is that important.”



“This is one less thing I have to worry about while going through treatments.”



"Dealing with my condition was really scary, but their care, compassion, and guidance gave me hope and a sense of control. I am so grateful."



“My PCP office did not have anyone to go over the AD with me so I appreciate the time and education.”



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